Elegance fire place done by our professional team for one of our repeated customer for his remodeled fire place in the city of Wabeek .
Elegance fire place done by our professional team for one of our repeated customer for his remodeled fire place in the city of Wabeek .
New Caledonia granite countertops with stainless steel under mount sink for this remodeled kitchen.
Bianca Carrara Marble for kitchen countertops.
White color modern looks counter tops with modern edge.
Alaska White Exotic granite countertop.
Elegant granite counter tops and large size island with large stainless steel under mount sink for the remodels kitchen.
Moon White, Exotic granite countertops with hull back splash with modern pencil edge.
also custom made hand made stainless steel sink
with double bowel.
our team of expert are always happy to do business with every one for commercial or residential project.
Bianco Antico Exotic granite color. Very rich colors with large pieces flex / Sparkles .
Brown Fantasy, Exotic / Dolomite stone for this new construction home / kitchen. Unique coloring & veins movements. Very nice choice to match the cabinet color.
Exotic color of Netuno Bordeaux for out door B B Q grill to match the color & the design of the bricks. This job was done by our team of expert with customer 100% satisfactory, This job was done in Port Huron, Michigan. ( about 2 hours away from our facility ). As always, Another…
Elegant & modern Exotic color, Bahamas White for kitchen counter tops with full back splash behind the stove area for this remodeled kitchen for one of our great contractor in Gross Point area.